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Knowledge Re-Contribution


Users of Knova applications create or edit new content such as Authored Documents, Information Components, and Community threads on a continual basis. Content is also derived from Knowledge Source Manager (KSM), document import and export. To make this content searchable, Knova contributes it to the knowledge base.

The process of contributing content to the knowledge base is also known as Document Processing since it is managed by the Knova Document Processor.

Occasionally, documents need to be re-contributed. This article provides information on why a knowledge re-contribution may sometimes be required.



Knowledge Re-Contribution Uses

Knowledge re-contribution may be required in the following cases:

  • Some items such as Authored Documents, Community Threads, Information Components, and Feedbacks fails contribution because of processing errors.

    • When the contribution of any of the items fails, the Knowledge Re–contributor feature in Knova Administrator enables you to view the list of failed items with the error occurred; the items can be re-contributed.

  • Names of users attached to the documents have changed.

    • Documents reflect current user names.

    • If a user's first or last name is changed, the documents for which that user is the Author, Content Supervisor, Owner, or Creator are not automatically re-indexed; you must re-contribute the documents in order to update the user names associated with them.

  • Unified Templates have been updated.

    • If a Content Area, Universal Metadata Area, or Document Linking Area of a document's Unified Template has been added, removed, or modified since the document was created, Documents must be re-contributed for the changes to take effect.

    • If any of the default values of the Unified Template have been changed, these changes are not applied when the individual documents are re-contributed.

    • In addition, re-contribution should be run if some Unified Template Settings have been changed, such as 'Languages: Include in Doc View' and 'Look and Feel'.

  • The publishing folder has been changed.

    • When you change the publishing folder, content should be re-indexed so that Knova can make it available to users.

  • Your data has indexing problems.

    • To correct problems with data indexed in Solr, run re-contribution.

  • During installation (or upgrade), if the installer does not run re-contribution due to some problem, then you need to run the re-contribution manually.


Functions of Knowledge Re–Contributor

The Knowledge Re–Contributor (see the screenshot below) function enables you to do the following:

  • View and download statistics for items that failed the last contribution;
  • View information regarding contribution process;
  • View information regarding previous contributions;
  • Reindex Authored Documents, Information Components, and Community Threads. Properties such as creation date and last modified date are not changed as a result.


Re-Contributing Documents

To re-contribute documents, please visit the following articles:

NOTE: To re-contribute KSM documents, run the Document Processor utility or run each Knowledge Source.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
